Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Welcome to the Void

The Veterinary field, like most career fields, tends to attract strongly opinionated people. Unfortunately, social media isn’t a great outlet for venting frustrations because Management can see your posts and find reason to terminate your employment.  Nobody with a valid, legal frustration should be fired because they HAD to say something and get the negative thoughts out there.  Burnout is real, and being worried that you’re going to lose your job because you say something makes it worse.

This blog is here to remain anonymous and is moderated by a single individual who understands that many of us face similar obstacles and frustrations at work, and don’t want to disrupt our relationships with our coworkers or lose our jobs. This is a safe haven for those who wish to articulately commiserate and share well thought out venting.

Please keep it professional. I’m not going to post anything about he said-she said. We need real meaty topics like how some clinics think Torb is an effective pain medicine, the opiate crisis, how some vets still prescribe aspirin and pepto bismol, if Veterinary schools are preparing their students properly, pre-mixed drug cocktails, or the Veterinary Nurse Initiative.  Current events or chronic groan-worthy practices are ideal. Clients and client education can absolutely be a vent here. For sure. Just make it constructive.

For those who read a blog post and Just Know it’s your coworker who wrote it - relax. You’d be surprised at how many people react the same way to situations, and it’s not likely your coworker who wrote the post. Seriously. Chill.

Submit venting blog posts AT YOUR OWN RISK.  It’s not my fault if you send me something that incriminates you. I choose what to post, but I won’t edit your words.

Please submit your blog posts to VeterinaryVoid@gmail.com and abide by the following rules:
1) all names MUST be changed
2) DO NOT mention your location/clinic/city/state/anything that could identify you
3) DO articulate your point. Don’t just kvetch.
4) DO offer solutions, if possible, in case someone out there has the same frustrations you do, and they could use advice.
5) again, submit AT YOUR OWN RISK. You will not hold me liable for any repercussions related to your blog post.
6) give me time to read and post - it won’t be immediate. If a blog needs tweaking I’ll let you know.

Thanks everyone. I look forward to reading your submissions.

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